Thursday, April 12, 2012

Yes, there ARE 12 of us at home...and 13 altogether!

And to answer the question before you ask, our family consists of one Mom, one Dad, seven adopted kids, one ex-foster daughter who is forever in our hearts and our family, her two beautiful sons, and one awesome "borrowed" kid who we are blessed enough to have living with us. We have two angel babies, but no biological kids here on Earth.

This blog will be a celebration of our lives, our family, our successes and our failures. It will have, I hope, some ideas on money saving tips for big families (and will be thankful to hear yours!), some recipes we like, some thoughts on the issues that are important to me as a Mom of many or to us as a family-including issues of faith (we are Christians), adoption issues (bonding, Reactive Attachment Disorder, or a myriad of other things), special needs of various types (learning disabilities, dyslexia, sensory processing issues, auditory processing disorder, ADHD), mental health issues (child/adolescent bipolar disorder and depression, anxiety disorder tween years to young adult, etc), and any number of other topics that pop into my ADD mind!

I hope to share some of our life with you, and I look forward to hearing about your lives too. You don't have to share our faith, have a large family, or live the way we do to visit us here. I will be glad to welcome you with (long distance!) open arms. My only requirement is that you treat me, my family, and the other visitors with kindness and respect. I will do my best to give you the same respect. Welcome!